Levelling up
New challenges present themselves, only because one has risen to be able to face them.
Think about it - If you hadn't come this far already, there wouldn't be your latest, greatest challenge looming ahead of you. You would never know it, and would never have the opportunity to grow through the series of experiences that lead to you your current situation.
Therefore, If there's a sudden hike in difficulty, take heart; it's likely that you've just successfully levelled-up.
There are no fireworks, no flashing lights. Just more discomfort, disillusionment, and pain. Learn to love it, relish in the journey that is successfully forging you into a stronger, wiser person. The journey is what truly counts, not the destination, so wear a big shit-eating grin and carry on through it. You managed to get this far on so many rungs of the ladder, against all odds. You've gone this far, so why not the rest of it?
The question will be asked to you and of you, time and again - Are you going to give up yet, or not?
If you wish to continue in that same pursuit, then you don't give up. You might take time to regroup, to search for another angle of attack, a new path forward. But you soldier on, until you find a way. Search for ways to create opportunities from the chaos that surrounds you, and turn barriers themselves into opportunities.
Keep fighting, keep a lid on your sanity and emotions, and keep on levelling up.